1. When can I start oral capsule treatment for my cat?
For best treatment results, use oral capsules after 30 days of injection treatment or after your cat’s condition has stabilised, eating and pooping normally, and doesn’t display any neurological symptoms.
2. When not to use oral capsules?
While your cat still exhibits ocular or neurological symptoms
While your cat suffers from intermittent vomiting or diarrhea
If your cat is less than a year old and suffers from effusive (wet) form of FIP
3. How to choose the right type of oral capsule for my cat?
Choose the oral capsules according to your cat’s current weight.
- less than 2.5kg (pink capsules)
- 2.5 - 4 kg (green capsules)
- greater than 4kg (blue capsules)
4. How many oral capsules are needed for my cat?
Provide 1 oral capsule per day. Adhere to a scheduled time. Do not skip any day. Continue until 84 days or when all FIP symptoms have disappeared.
5. What should I do if my cat gained weight but the oral capsule that I purchased before is for cats that is below my cat's current weight?
You should switch to the higher concentration of the oral capsule for your cat's new weight. For example, if your cat’s weight has increased from 2.4kg to 2.8kg, it is recommended to switch from pink capsules to green capsules. This ensures that your cat is provided with sufficient active pharmaceutical ingredients for its treatment..
6. One pack of oral capsules is enough for how many days of treatment?
One pack contains 30 capsules. Sufficient for 30 days of treatment.
7. What should I do if my cat does not show improvement after using oral capsules? Can I give him two pills per day?
Lack of improvement or deteriorating conditions are caused by either insufficient dosage or poor absorption by your cat’s digestive system. You should provide at least 5 days of oral capsules before determining whether there is a lack of improvement. After 5 days if there is no visible improvement of symptoms, you may increase dosage from 1 oral capsule to 2 oral capsules per day, or switch to a higher concentration of oral capsule. The best option is to switch to injections. Injections are the most reliable method of delivering an appropriate dose of active pharmaceutical ingredients to your cat’s body.
8. How do I know the amount of GS that my cat will absorb?
Each cat has a different absorption rate for the oral capsule, based on genetics and health factors. The exact absorption can only be determined via a complex and expensive diagnostic procedure called HPLC analysis.
9. Is Oral capsules a better choice compared to Injection?
Each treatment option has its pros and cons. Both treatment options are effective against feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) infections. Injections are precise and more controllable. The effects are immediate. We recommend starting all feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) treatments with injections. Oral capsules are easier to administer, cause no pain, and can be done easily at home. However, GS-441524 will take longer to travel to the bloodstream because it first has to go through the digestive system. It is also impossible to know how much of the GS-441524 is absorbed by the body to combat FIPV. We recommend starting oral capsules treatment only after your cat’s condition is stable. Feline infectious peritonitis virus often damages digestive organs such as the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver as it spreads throughout the body. Damaged organs reduce digestive functions and will cause poor absorption of GS-441524 into the bloodstream. When oral capsules are given too early in the treatment, it may cause prolonged treatment or higher chances of relapse in the future. GS-441524 antiviral treatment works by blocking FIPV replication in the body. Thus
10. Can I switch back injection treatment after I started oral capsule treatment?
You may switch back to injection after starting oral capsule treatment. However the injection dosage will start from 10mg/kg after you switch from oral to injection. This is because our oral capsule has higher concentration than injection treatment. Please consult us the injection amount for your cat if you wish to switch from oral to injection treatment.
11. My cat has relapsed, can I use oral capsules to treat him/her?
We do not recommend using oral capsules for relapsed cases. You should use injections and provide between 12mg-15mg for relapse treatments. Please consult us on how to properly treat relapsed FIP cases.
12. Can I use other capsules than the one recommended for my cat’s weight class?
Yes, but you should only use higher weight class capsules than the one recommended for your cat’s weight class, never below your cat’s weight class. Keep in mind that higher dosage capsules are more costly. Unless there is a demonstrated need, buying higher weight classes capsules is a waste of money.
13. How long does it take for my cat to show improvement?
Normally cats will show improvement within 10-15 days of oral treatment. Some cats will show improvement within as little as 5 days.
14. Why is oral treatment more expensive than injection?
Oral capsules require higher concentration of the active pharmaceutical ingredient GS-441524 to treat FIPV when compared to injections. Production of oral capsules is also more complex and time consuming compared to injection. These factors caused the price of oral capsules to be higher than injection.
15. Are there any side effects when using BasmiFIP™ oral capsule treatment?
There are no known side effects when using our oral capsule. You may use it in conjunction with other treatments and supplements recommended by your veterinarian.
16. What if I cannot feed my cat oral capsule daily at the same time everyday?
For best results the oral treatment should be administered within a 3 hour window from the time of the previous day; 1.5 hours before or 1.5 hours after the previous day.
17. Can I return unused capsules for a refund?
We do not accept opened and/or partially consumed oral capsule packages. We recommend donate unused oral capsules to your veterinarian or other FIP cat owners so they may use the capsules to help save cats.
Mili, persia 10 thn divonis terkena FIP tgl 29 agt. Mili pilek parah, perutnya ada cairan, diare dan ga ada napsu makan. Awalnya dokter memberikan obat fip yg lain. Progres penyembuhannya terasa lambat. 14 hari stlh obat habis, dokter mengganti dgn Basmi FIP yg injeksi. Stlh 10 hari, terlihat progresnya. Pileknya sembuh, bab normal dan napsu makan mili kembali normal. Beratnya dari 2.2 kg menjadi 2.4 kg. Hari ke 15 smpe hr ini Mili memakai basmi fip kapsul. Pembelian obat via web mudah & cepat
BB normal Sanji sebelum terkena FIP sekitar 4.3 kg. Sejak kena serangan, drop ke 3.5 kg. Hati rasanya hancur banget lihat Sanji yg kurus dan selalu diare. Syukurlah ada obat FIP di Indonesia. Ngga kebayang gimana rasanya kalau harus kehilangan Sanji. Sekarang pengobatan Sanji sudah masuk hari ke 30. Sanji udah ceria, makan & minum banyak, pup pis bagus, dan berat badan naik perlahan. Doakan mudah-mudahan Sanji stabil terus dan pulih seperti sediakala. Terima kasih banyak Basmi FIP!
Luna dan Irish Bibi ini di diagnosa dengan FIP syaraf, keduanya sdh tak berdaya bahkan berbaring, setelah cek darah dan menunjukkan mrk kearah FIP, dan mulai di berikan Basmi Injeksi selama 1 bulan dan dilanjut dengan oral sampai dengan 84 hari, selama pengobatan mrk menunjukkan progres yg signifikan
Semoga tdk ada kekambuhan buat gadis2 cantik ini
Terima kasih Basmi sdh membantu
Halo, kucing saya menderita FIP kering dan terlihat perbaikan yang jelas. Admin di WhatsApp sangat perhatian dan memberikan saran yang baik.
Saya sangat puas dengan kecepatan pengiriman dan layanan pelanggan.
Setelah pengobatan 1 bulan dengan basmi injeksi kucing saya jauh lebih baik, sekarang ganti dengan basmi kapsul dan semakin membaik keadaan kucing saya, nafsu makan baik & ada penambahan berat badan, semakin aktif juga